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Silverdale Holdings

Revegetation of marginal land


This large-scale native revegetation project in Silverdale, included the revegetation of 18ha of marginal land in association with a 3-lot rural subdivision. The revegetation was designed to reconnect a series of bush remnants, incorporating the full length of a stream, and providing a valuable ecological buffer to a large expanse of kauri forest.

The project began in 2008.  More than a decade later the planting is now well advanced and naturalized with the original plant mix now being interspersed with naturally regenerating species including tree fern, nikau, pigeonwood and larger forest species including totara, puriri, kauri and kahikatea.


Our Role


The Scrub team provided a range of services from across its business to support the revegetation, including:

  • Ecological advice: preparation of planting plan and consent documentation

  • Native Plant Nursery: propagation, supply and planting of 91,000 native plants 

  • Operations: maintenance of planting area to sign-off and bond release

Key Project Statistics

  • 91,000 native plants

  • Achieved bond sign-off by 2014 with >75% canopy closure and >95% survival

  • 1km+ of first and second order stream retired and restored

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