Trees for Survival
Restoring Natural Habitats: EcoSourcing Seeds
Scrub supports the Trees for Survival environmental education programme through the ecosourcing of seed. This innovative programme, which involves students growing and planting native trees to help restore natural habitats, is closely aligned with Scrub’s approach to restoration.
Scrub supplies eco-sourced seeds, to enable the students to grow plants which can then be planted in restoration projects on local farms. This work helps restore the natural habitat of the land, through revegetating erosion prone land, improving stream water quality and increasing biodiversity.
“At Scrub we are passionate about teaching young people to care for our environment, and to understand the importance of restoring natural habitats for everyone to enjoy. The work of Trees for Survival makes a meaningful difference to our environment and the Auckland community, and we value our partnership with them.”
Our Role
Scrub has been engaged to undertake the ecosourcing of seed from the Tamaki, Rodney, and Kaipara ecological districts to support the Trees for Survival programme in the greater Auckland region. Scrub has been ecosourcing for this project since 2010.
Key Project Statistics
Over 5,000 school children involved in conservation
Over 70,000 trees planted each year